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Standards selection
Visa Applications


2.1.1 - Time to complete visa applications from founders - time & implementation level in %

Visas play a crucial role in talent attraction, as they are usually a prerequisite for relocating to another country. Visa acquisition processes are often perceived as time-consuming and burdensome, and thus represent a setback in the decision-making process to move abroad. The focus of this Substandard is to monitor measures aimed at streamlining these procedures for founders and experienced workers

  • 2024
  • 2023
2.1.1 2024
2.1.1 2023

2.1.2 - Time to complete visa applications for experienced workers

Visas play a crucial role in talent attraction, as they are usually a prerequisite for relocating to another country. Visa acquisition processes are often perceived as time-consuming and burdensome, and thus represent a setback in the decision-making process to move abroad. The focus of this Substandard is to monitor measures aimed at streamlining these procedures for founders and experienced workers

2.1.2 2024